The cost of making Metal Enamel Pin products depends on many factors, such as color, material and the type of Metal Enamel Pin. We are currently working to determine which of the factors determines the highest cost of making the various components of Metal Enamel Pin products. In the meantime, it appears to us that the cheapest and most efficient way to produce Metal Enamel Pin products will be with a high resolution (12 mm) Metal Enamel Pin material that we have been using since the introduction of the Metal Enamel Pin.Metal Enamel Pin products can be made for almost any size and type of metal with a minimum resolution of 12 mm. The only requirement is that it be a clear, black material. As long as it is available and can be used as a source material for our applications, we cannot limit our customers in any way to create their own pin designs.
Our high-quality pin kits are made according to the most exacting standards and guarantee to be safe and comfortable for all ages – up to and including children.Custom Metal Enamel Plated Metal Ink Pins - Metal Plated Metal Ink Pins are the same as our popular metal Enamel Pin kits, with the exception that the metal is encased in an organic plastic shell, instead of plastic. The shells are much larger than traditional metal pin, and are easier to work with.
All products in our industry have a minimum cost. To ensure superior performance of the Metal Enamel Pin products, the metal thickness has beenraised up to 20%. This increases the lifetime of the Metal Enamel Pin products. There are otherreasons for the increased Metal Enamel Pin material thickness. To protect the edges of the pin from surface corrosion. To ensure that the edge is not cut on the cutting press. To create better gripping action on the edge of the pin. The Metal Enamel Pin is manufacturedby hand, a high technology process. Because we're so careful about the manufacturing process, production timehas increased.